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Here are my thoughts on some of the issues we will be dealing with in years ahead.


Benicia First Street

  • At-Large vs. District Elections
    The question of whether to switch our election process from at-large to district elections was recently in front of the City Council. I opposed this change; my opponent supported it. [MORE]

  • Water and Sewer
    Water and Sewer rates were raised sharply in 2016. My opponent voted for the increased rates. I was not on the Council at that time. I have a plan to lower rates. [MORE]

  • Environmental Issues
    Climate change is real and its impacts are accelerating. Benicia needs to address these challenges by anticipating and reacting to the more rapid increase in waters on our shoreline and our infrastructure. [MORE]

  • Relations With Valero
    Relations with Valero have been strained ever since the City rejected the Crude by Rail project. While Valero remains a singularly important part of our economy, there remains a need to increase transparency and communication with the community. Their recent decision to fund a PAC with nearly $250,000 to try and impact our local elections will not make this needed cooperation easier. [MORE]

  • Roads and Streets
    City roads are old and deteriorating. We do not have enough money to fix all of them in a timely fashion. Decisions must be made on how to best ration the limited amount of money we have. [MORE]

  • Economic Development
    Benicia is a full service city without the population or economic base to support all the things we do. There has been growth in sales tax and property tax, but the cost of running the City continues to increase as well.  We need to build on the improvements happening around town by, among other things, becoming an easier and cheaper place to do business. [MORE]

  • Pensions
    Like virtually every government agency, the City has an increasing share of our budget dedicated to pension payments. This is a topic not usually addressed by political candidates. What strategies are available so that pension payments don’t eat up an unsustainable portion of our budget? [MORE]

  • Common Sense Regulation
    Too often, the City has passed well meaning regulations that are either unenforceable or add to staff responsibilities without significant community benefit. [MORE]

  • Cannabis in Benicia
    Upon passage of Prop. 64 in 2016, I helped lead the City effort to address the issues raised by its passage, as well as trying to maximize revenue from this new industry. [MORE]


Hilary Aitken
Marilyn Bardet
Nikki Basch Davis
Cathy Bennett
Constance Beutel
Madeleine Borges
Kathleen Carey
Ruscal Cayangyang
Stephan Clifford
Allison Connor
Denise Cullen
Dennis Cullen
Ralph Dennis
Vicki Dennis
Diane Dooley
Peggy Duly
Larry Dutch
Barb Duvall
Beverly Edmonds
Hadieh Elias
Polly Farina
Adela Fernandez
Patricia Flynn
Alicia Gallagher
Dana Green
Jim Green
Ginny Green
Lori Grundman
Amy Hames
Stephen Jones
Kimberly Klein
Jack Kolk
Madeline Koster
Robin Lancaster
Elizabeth Lewis
Kristen Massey
June Mejias
Terry Mollica
Brianna Newton
Robert Norman
Noah Ochoa
Joshua Oehler
Marylee Parr
Lisa Reinertson
Tim Reynolds
Nancy Roetzer
Patrick Roetzer
Steve Scheinman
Donna Seslar
Dan Smith
Andres Soto
Roger Straw
Henry Sun
Toby Tover
Sarah Westmoreland

Steve Young for Mayor

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Steve Young for Mayor

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